Extraction of FECG from Non-Invasive AECG signal for Fetal Heart Rate Calculation


  • A. Gaikwad Dept. of Electrical Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai, India
  • M.S. Panse Dept. of Electrical Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai, India


ECG, Non-Invasive monitoring, Maternal ECG, FHR


A Non Invasive Fetal Electrocardiogram (FECG) is an effective diagnostic tool for determining health status of the fetus. Abdominal Electrocardiogram (AECG) is a composite ECG signal that consists of both fetal as well as maternal ECG (MECG). This paper presents an efficient technique to extract the FECG signal from AECG by means of different Time- Frequency localized transforms and algorithms. A combination of Band Pass Filter, Hilbert Transform and Adaptive Thresholding algorithm has been used for detecting FECG QRS complexes. Further an enhancement of FECG signal is done using Wavelet De-noising and Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) is calculated. This algorithm is performed using MATLAB simulation software and tested on 5 non-invasively recorded abdominal and direct FECG signals taken from MIT Physionet database.



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How to Cite

A. Gaikwad and M. Panse, “Extraction of FECG from Non-Invasive AECG signal for Fetal Heart Rate Calculation”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 16–19, May 2017.



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