A Review of the Security Architecture for SDN in Light of Its Security Issues


  • S. Aleem Department of Computer Science, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University, Lucknow, India
  • S. Ahmed Department of Computer Science, Integral University, Lucknow, India




Software-defined networking (SDN) simplifies and enhances network management for administrators. It is a modern approach that liberates networks from conventional constraints and is considered a game-changing concept for the future of the web. SDN can detect and prevent malicious traffic through its three-tiered architecture, consisting of a control layer , application layer and a forwarding layer. Our work distinguishes between DoS and DDoS attacks, which pose varying degrees of security risk for SDN users. SDN-based 5G networks are vulnerable to DDoS assaults by malevolent users, but can be secured using tools like Mininet. The SDN security architecture can be improved by methods such as network monitoring, verification, automation, improvised threat detection, and dynamic reaction. By separating network control and data planes and using software applications, SDN can effectively detect and stop malicious traffic. Combining SDN and ML enables the detection and prevention of low-rate DoS attacks, providing a security solution for SDN-based 5G networks. The coming model enhances efficacy in detecting and protecting against DoS and DDoS attacks, allowing enterprises to defend their networks and crucial services.



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How to Cite

S. Aleem and S. Ahmed, “A Review of the Security Architecture for SDN in Light of Its Security Issues”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 8–14, Jun. 2023.



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