Author Guidelines
In accordance with academic and professional protocols, IJSRNSC cannot accept an article if it is not the author's original work, has been published before, or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The article must not contain any libellous or unlawful statements or in any way infringe the rights of others. All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article.
Before submitting your article/s, please ensure that you have read the below journal guidelines and have prepared your manuscript accordingly.
- General Guidelines for Authors
- Article Submission Check list
- Downloads-Template, Copyright form, Cover letter
- Types of Manuscripts (Articles)
- Manuscript Structure (Organization)
- Manuscript Submission Process
- Manuscript Publication Process
- Publication Ethics and Policies
- Other Principles of Transparency
General Guidelines for Authors
Journal’s Guidelines- Before submitting your research paper, make sure you are familiar with the journal's guidelines. These guidelines will typically cover the submission check list, manuscript structure, submission process, manuscript preparation, formatting requirements, citation style, and other important information. Make sure you carefully read and understand the guidelines before you start preparing your manuscript.
Submission Process- Once the manuscript is prepared, authors must submit it to the journal for consideration. This process typically involves submitting the manuscript online through the OJS submission system. Make sure you follow the submission process carefully and provide all the required information. Make sure you submit your manuscript before the deadline specified by the journal. Late submissions may not be accepted, so make sure you plan ahead and give yourself enough time to prepare and submit your manuscript.
Manuscript Preparation- Write clearly and concisely Your manuscript should be written in clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the reader. Use simple, declarative sentences and avoid unnecessary words or phrases. Be sure to proofread your manuscript carefully for grammar and spelling errors. Before submitting a manuscript for publication in a research journal, authors must ensure that their work meets the required standards. This includes ensuring that the manuscript is written clearly and concisely, that it is well-organized, and that it follows the journal's formatting guidelines.
Manuscript Proofreading- Before submitting your manuscript, make sure you proofread it carefully. Check for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, and make sure your manuscript is well-written and easy to read. You may also want to have someone else proofread your manuscript to catch any errors you may have missed.
Peer-review process- Be patient the peer-review process can take several weeks or even months, so be patient and don't get discouraged if you don't hear back from the journal right away. If your manuscript is rejected, don't be discouraged – use the feedback you receive to improve your manuscript and try again with another journal.
Revision- Be ready to make revisions, it is likely that you will receive feedback from the journal's reviewers, and you may be asked to revise your manuscript. Be prepared to carefully consider this feedback and make any changes required to improve your manuscript.
Article Submission Check List
As part of the submission process, ensure that your manuscript fits the scope of the journal and that you have chosen the correct article type. Out of scope submissions or submissions of the wrong article type will result in delays and potentially rejection. For additional details about visit the Article Types and Author Guidelines pages.
During submission, the submitting author will be required to answer questions regarding the manuscript and research, as well as provide information and consent for all authors. Below is a checklist detailing the information that will be required. The following is mandatory when submitting to the journal;
General information
- Ensure the manuscript has plagiarism free.
- Ensure the manuscript must be in English.
- Ensure the submission file is a Word Template.
- Ensure the manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked' (spelling and grammar are correct) or punctuation errors, and make sure your is well-written and easy to read.
- Ensure the manuscript has original writing, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere that enhances the existing body of knowledge in the given subject area.
- Ensure the manuscript tile has written as per guidelines.
- Give the manuscript title in Title Case format (i.e., capitalize the first letter of each principal word).
Author/s and Corresponding author
- Make sure that all authors have agreed to submit the article to the journal.
- All authors listed on the manuscript must be added in the relevant tab during submission. Please have ready the names, emails, affiliations, and ORCID of all the authors, and ensure the authors all qualify for authorship as well as provide information and consent for all authors. .
- Mark the corresponding author(s) with an asterisk in the manuscript’s author list, and include this person’s affiliation (Dept. name, Institute/University name, City and country), e-mail address and phone number. (Authors should not mention designation).
Text Layout
- Ensure the manuscript includes graphical Abstract, abstract, keywords, introduction, objectives classification of manuscript, related work, experimental procedure, results and discussion, conclusions and future scope, data availability, conflict of interest, funding source, authors’ contributions, acknowledgements, acknowledgments, references, and author’s profiles with photos.
- The organization of the manuscript should be properly mentioned in last paragraph of introduction Section.
- Motivation and objectives should be clearly presented and highlighted in the introduction.
- Results reported have not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Experiments, statistics, and analyses are performed to a high standard and are described in sufficient detail.
- Research contribution and expected finding should be clearly highlighted in the manuscript.
- Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by the data.
- Number the manuscript pages consecutively starting with the title page.
Figures, Graphics, Schemes, and Tables
- All Figures, graphs and tables have captions.
- All Schemes, Charts, and Tables have titles in Title Case and may include footnotes.
- Make sure all the figure/images heading mentioned in increasing order at the bottom of the figure.
- Make sure all the table heading mentioned in increasing order at the top of the table.
- Make sure all the figures/images are of adequate resolution and clarity.
- Make sure all Figures, Schemes, Charts, and Tables mentioned in the manuscript main text are provided with the submission. Conversely, ensure that all graphic items are mentioned (in numerical order that is increasing order) in the text.
Math Style
- Authors including math, display or in-text, in their manuscripts are encouraged to consult the Author Guidelines for Presenting Mathematical Information. This style sheet provides a brief discussion of formatting related to the presentation of mathematical formulas, complete with examples of AIP style and layout.
- Ensure all references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text in increasing order.
- Ensure all references mentioned in the Reference List are arranged in the AIP format.
- Superscript numbers are used for in-text reference citations..
Downloads (Manuscript Templates, Copyright form, and Cover letter)
- Journal Template- The manuscript should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English, then submit your manuscript in the given template (MS word). Authors may download the journal template by clicking on the given link. Download Journal Template
- Cover letter- All manuscripts should be submitted with a pre-defined cover letter. Authors may download the cover letter by clicking on the given link. Download Cover letter
- Copyright form- All final manuscripts must be submitted with the given copyright form. Authors may download the copyright form by clicking on the given link. Download Copyright form
Types of Manuscripts (Articles)
The journal publishes a range of article types with the following specifications:
Research Articles: A research article reports the results of original scientific research within the journal scope and assesses its contribution to the body of knowledge in a given area with the relevant data and findings in an orderly, logical manner.
Review Articles: Review articles are high scholarly contributions articles written by experts who not only know very well the research and technical developments in the field but also are able to critically examine the state-of-the-art and express informed views and provide guidance/ideas of future developments of the research topic. These are critical and comprehensive reviews that provide new insights or interpretation of a subject through thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence.
Survey Article- Survey articles are a type of article that comprehensively summarizes, reviews, and analyzes the current state of research on a specific topic, providing a broad overview of existing knowledge, current trends, key techniques, challenges, key findings, methodologies, and emerging trends, and future directions related to that topic, often drawing from multiple studies and presenting a consolidated perspective for researchers, academicians, and scientists.
Short Communications: Short Communications are short article that present original and significant material for rapid dissemination. For example, a Short Communication may focus on a particular aspect of a problem or a new finding that is expected to have a significant impact. Short articles include, but are not limited to: discovery or development of new materials, cutting-edge experiments and theory, novelty in simulation and modelling, elucidation of mechanisms.
Technical Article-Technical article report new developments, significant advances, and novel aspects of experimental and theoretical methods and techniques which are relevant for scientific investigations within the journal scope. Highly detailed and specific technical information such as computer programme code or user manuals can be included as electronic supplements.
Editorial Note: These should be short and decisive observations. They should preferably be related to articles previously published in the Journal or views expressed in the journal. They should not be preliminary observations that need a later paper for validation. The letter could have up to 500 words and 5 references. It could be generally authored by not more than four authors.
Manuscript Structure (Organization)
Cover Letter- The cover letter should be included with the submission and should provide a brief overview of the manuscript's contents, highlighting its significance and potential contributions to the field.
Title- The title of your manuscript should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of your research. It should be descriptive and informative, while avoiding any unnecessary words or phrases. The title should also be written in a way that is accessible to a broad audience.
Graphical Abstract- A Graphical Abstract is a stand-alone image summarizing the major findings of your Original Article in the form of a pictorial take-home message. It should be submitted together with three bullet points (Highlights) that summarize the main findings presented in the article.
Purpose- Graphical abstracts are designed to draw attention to the target audience, to encourage browsing, and to help readers quickly identify which articles are most relevant to their research, serving as a quick graphical summary of the research.
Authors must submit a unique image that accurately depicts the work reported in the article. Each article must contain a graphical abstract in the Table of Contents (TOC).
Please keep in mind that, just like each article, each graphical abstract should be original.
The graphical abstract image should:
- Be distinct from any figures or diagrams included in the manuscript
- be easy to understand and well-structured
- be based on graphical elements
- focus on the main findings from the current article without including excess details from previous literature.
- contain a minimal amount of text, simple labels
- Include the “so what” as a conclusion.
- use the effective colours
- Contain only elements that are original or from a licensed source that the author has rights to use in a commercial application.
The Graphical Abstract image should not:
- contain a title
- include any scanned copy, copy a figure or table from the article
- contain light colours on a light background
- contain highly-saturated colours
- have white, black or very dark background
- Do not include findings or citations from the existing literature.
- Extraneous use of colour and use of heavily saturated, primary colours can distract from the figure’s message.
Abstract- The abstract should provide a clear summary of the research, including the objectives, methods, and results. It should be no more than 250 words and should be written in a way that is easily understood by a broad audience. Note: -Special symbols, mathematical formulas, and equations are not allowed in the "Abstract" section. References should not be cited in the abstract.
Keywords- Key words (5-8) should be provided below the Abstract to assist with indexing of the manuscript.
Introduction- The introduction should provide a clear statement of the research problem, the objectives of the study, and the hypothesis or research questions being addressed. It should also provide a brief overview of the existing literature on the topic, highlighting the gaps in knowledge that your research aims to address. The introduction should end with a clear statement of the research aim and objectives. As a last paragraph of the introduction should provide organization of the manuscript/manuscript.
Related Work- In this section, the author describes the previous research works in the form of title, problem statement, objectives, not repeat the information discussed in Introduction [3]. You should review at least 10 to 16 latest articles in the related work section, cite them properly, and list references in the reference section.
Methodology (Experimental Method/Procedure/Design)- This section should provide a detailed description of the research methods used, including the design of the study, proposed algorithms, proposed flowchart, proposed models/techniques, data collection methods, and statistical analyses used. It should include enough detail to enable another researcher to replicate the study. If you are using a well-established methodology, you can refer to previous research for details. If you are using a new or modified methodology, you should provide a clear description of the process.
Results- This section should present the findings of your research in a clear and concise manner. You should use tables and graphs to present your data, and avoid duplicating information in the text. You should also describe any statistical analyses that you have carried out, including the significance levels and confidence intervals. Note-Figures/Tables/Flowcharts/Equations/Formulas should draw the pictures himself, do not give scanned equation/formula/Table.
Discussion- This section should interpret the results in the context of the research problem and the existing literature. You should discuss the implications of the findings, the strengths and limitations of the study, and the implications for future research. You should also avoid over-generalizing the results and making claims that are not supported by the data.
Conclusion and Future Scope- The conclusion should summarize the main findings of the research and restate the research aim and objectives. In last paragraph should also provide recommendations for future research and implications for practice.
- Data Availability- This statement should describe how readers can access the data supporting the conclusions of the study and clearly outline the reasons why unavailable data cannot be released. Study Limitations Provide all possible limitation faced in the study which might significantly affect research outcome, If not applicable write, none.
- Conflict of Interest- All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. Otherwise, Authors declare that they do not have any conflict of interest.
- Funding Source- Provide funding source, supporting grants with grant number. The name of funding agencies should be written in full. for example: “This work was supported by the ISROSET Research laboratory [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the National Science laboratory [grant number zzzz”. If no funding source exists, write, none
- Authors’ Contributions- Authors are required to include a statement of responsibility in the manuscript that specifies the contribution of every author. The level of detail varies; some disciplines produce manuscripts that comprise discrete efforts readily articulated in detail, whereas other fields operate as group efforts at all stages.
- For Example- Author-1 researched literature and conceived the study. Author-2 involved in protocol development, gaining ethical approval, patient recruitment, and data analysis. Author-3 wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors reviewed and edited the manuscript and approved the final version of the manuscript.
- Acknowledgements- Authors should acknowledge any financial support, technical assistance, or other contributions to the work.
Reference Style (in IEEE Format)- References should be cited in the text by Square brackets [1] numbers in continuing in an ascending numerical order, from the lowest number to the highest and listed at the end of the manuscript in the increasing order in which they appear in the text. All references must be complete and accurate. ; do not add only list of references without citation within the text. References should be listed in the following style:
Format for Journal Articles
- Author/s Name, “<Paper title>“, <Journal Name>, Vol.<X>, Issue <Y>, pp.<page no>, <Year>. DOI:XXXXXX
- Example:1- Arora, “Exploration of Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Data Security in Small and Medium Enterprises,” Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1–7, Dec. 2024. doi: 10.26438/ijsrnsc.v1.i2.22
Format for Book
- Author/s, “Title of His Published Book,” Xth edition, Publisher Name, Country, pp. xx-xx, Year. ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- Example- Gupta, “Advances in Cloud Ocean,” First Edition, ISROSET Publisher, India, pp.542-545, 2016. ISBN: 978-3-16-148410-0
Format for Book Chapter
- Author/s, “Title of chapter in the book,” <Title of His Published Book>, xth edition, Publisher Name, Country, pp. xx-xx, Year. ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
- Example: Gupta, “A Proposed New Approach for Cloud Environment using Cryptic rules,” Advances in Cloud Ocean-First Edition, ISROSET Publisher, India, pp.542-545, 2016. ISBN:
Format for Conference Paper
- Author/s Name, “<Paper title>“, <conference Title>, <Publisher Name>, <Publisher location >, pp.<page no>, <Year>.
- Example:L. Mewada, “A Proposed New Approach for Cloud Environment using Cryptic Techniques,” In the Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Physical Sciences, ISROSET, India, pp.542-545, 2016.
Format for Patents
- Author/s, “Title of patent,” U.S. Patent x xxx xxx, Abbrev. Month, day,
- Example: G. Brandli and M. Dick, “Alternating current fed power supply,” S. Patent 4084 217, Nov 4, 2022.
Format for: Thesis of M.S./Ph.D.
- Author/s, “Title of M.S./Ph.D. dissertation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State, year.
- Example: Hee Williams, “A Proposed New Approach for Cloud Environment using Cryptic Techniques,” Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. Science, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, USA, 2022.
Figures, Tables and Equation/Formula-
Figures- All figures in the manuscript should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2), and each figure should have a descriptive title. The figure number and title should be typed with single-spaced, and centered across the bottom of the figure, as shown below. The figure captions should be editable and be written below the figures.
Tables- Tables should be numbered sequentially editable using Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1, Table 2), and each table should have a descriptive title. The table number and title should be typed in normal type, single-spaced, and centered across the top of the table.
Equation/Formula- Equation/Formula should be in MathType so that it will be formatted. The Equation/ Formula should be editable with no image format. Do not give scanned equation/formula. Write numbers (1,2,3,4,5…) and caption outside of equation/formula. Do not give bold and italic equation/formula.
Manuscript Submission Process
- Online Submission - Manuscripts should be submitted through the OJS Online Submission System. During submission, authors will need to provide information about the manuscript type, author details, conflicts of interest, funding sources, and any ethical considerations.
- Peer Review Process- All submitted manuscripts will undergo an anonymous peer review process, in which both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous. Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript based on its originality, methodology, results, and overall quality. Click here
- Revision and Resubmission- Authors may be asked to revise their manuscript based on reviewer feedback. Revised manuscripts should be submitted with a point-by-point response to the reviewers' comments.
Manuscript Publication Process
- Accepted Manuscripts- Upon acceptance, manuscripts will undergo final editing and formatting by the Journal editorial team.
- Proofreading and Corrections- Authors will receive a proof of their manuscript for final review and approval before publication. Any corrections must be reported immediately to the editorial team.
- Copyright and Licensing- Authors will be asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement or license, depending on the publication model chosen.
- Online Publishing- The article will be published online immediately after receiving confirmation of final proof reading from the author.