About the Journal
International Journal of Scientific Research in Network Security and Communication is a bimonthly open access, peer-reviewed journal, being published since 2013. It aims to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Network, Information, Cloud Software Security, Cryptography, Mobile Computing, Network Communication, Communication Engineering, Forensics Computing, Data mining and privacy, Computer vision, MANET, IoT, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition, Security of Sustainable Computing, and Soft Computing. It intends to disseminate original, scientific, theoretical or applied research in the field of Computer Sciences and allied fields. It provides a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component.
Call for Papers: Call for Papers: Authors are cordially invited to submit original research articles, review articles, survey articles, and short communications to this journal. All submissions must be submitted via the OJS online submission system. Publication of articles in IJSRNSC is free of charge (free submission and publication). We do not charge any publication fee from the authors for the papers to be published in IJSRNSC.
All submitted articles:
- must be plagiarism-free and grammatical error-free
- must be original and within the aims and scope of the journal
- must be previously unpublished research results
- must be based on experimental or theoretical
- must be in accordance with the prescribed format of the journal
- and will be peer-reviewed by referees
- may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period
Zero Tolerance for Plagiarism
This journal has a policy of “zero tolerance for plagiarism.". We check the plagiarism issue through two methods: a reviewer check and a plagiarism prevention tool (Turnitin). Before sending submissions to reviewers, plagiarism detection software will check them all.
E-ISSN | : 2321-3256 |
Language | : English |
Frequency | : 6 Issues per year |
DOI (CorssRef) | : 10.26438/ijsrnsc |
Review Process | : Peer-review by referees |
Time to 1st Decision | : 2 to 8 weeks from date of submission |
Time to Acceptance | : 4 to 15 weeks, depending upon the required revision cycles |
Time to Publication | : 2 to 3 weeks from date of final submission in the forthcoming issue |
Discipline: Science
Broad Subject: Computer Science, Engineering and IT
Focus Subject: Networking, Cryptography, Security