Types of Manuscripts (Articles)
This journal publishes a range of article types with the following specifications:
Research Articles
Research articles present original research and address a clearly stated specific hypothesis or question. Manuscripts should provide novel approaches and new insights into the problem addressed. A research article should be divided into the following sections:
- Title page
- Author’s name and information
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction with related work
- Materials and Methods/Experimental Method/Procedure/Design
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion and Future Scope
- Data Availability,
- Conflict of Interest,
- Funding Source,
- Authors’ Contributions,
- Acknowledgments (if any),
- References,
- Tables
- Figures
- Abbreviation and Units
- Author profiles
Review Articles
Review papers are high scholarly contributions articles written by experts who not only know very well the research and technical developments in the field but also are able to critically examine the state-of-the-art and express informed views and provide guidance/ideas of future developments of the research topic. These are critical and comprehensive reviews that provide new insights or interpretation of a subject through thorough and systematic evaluation of available evidence. Reviews commonly cite approximately 100 primary research articles. Interested authors may write their review articles under the following sections:
- Title page
- Author’s name and information
- Keywords
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Comparison
- Comparative finding
- Conclusion and Future Scope
- Data Availability,
- Conflict of Interest,
- Funding Source,
- Authors’ Contributions,
- Acknowledgments (if any),
- References,
- Tables
- Figures
- Abbreviation and Units
- Author profiles
Short Communications
Short Communications are short papers that present original and significant material for rapid dissemination. For example, a Short Communication may focus on a particular aspect of a problem or a new finding that is expected to have a significant impact. Short articles include, but are not limited to: discovery or development of new materials, cutting-edge experiments and theory, novelty in simulation and modelling, elucidation of mechanisms.
- Title page
- Author's information
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion and Future Scope
- Data Availability,
- Conflict of Interest,
- Funding Source,
- Authors’ Contributions,
- Acknowledgments (if any),
- References,
- Tables
- Figures
- Abbreviation and Units
- Author profiles