Article Submission Check list

Ensure that the following items are present in the manuscript:
General information

  • Ensure the manuscript has plagiarism free.
  • Ensure the manuscript must be in English.
  • Ensure the submission file is a Word Template.
  • Ensure the manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked' (spelling and grammar are correct).
  • Ensure the manuscript has original writing, previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere that enhances the existing body of knowledge in the given subject area.

Title and Author details

  • Ensure the manuscript has organized as per author guidelines.
  • Give the manuscript title in Title Case format (i.e., capitalize the first letter of each principal word).
  • Mark the corresponding author(s) with an asterisk in the manuscript’s author list, and include this person’s affiliation (Dept. name, Institute/University name, City and country), e-mail address and phone number. (Authors should not mention designation).

Text Layout

  • For a regular manuscript, this includes Abstract, Keywords, Introduction with classification of manuscript, Related Work, Material and Methods/ experimental procedure, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Supporting Information, Acknowledgments, References, and Author’s profiles with photos.
  • The organization of the paper should be properly mentioned in last paragraph of introduction Section.
  • Motivation and objectives should be clearly presented and highlighted in the introduction.
  • Results reported have not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Experiments, statistics, and analyses are performed to a high standard and are described in sufficient detail.
  • Research contribution and expected finding should be clearly highlighted in the paper.
  • Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by the data.
  • Number the manuscript pages consecutively starting with the title page.

Figures, Graphics, Schemes, and Tables

  • All Figures and tables have captions.
  • All Schemes, Charts, and Tables have titles in Title Case and may include footnotes.
  • Make sure all the figure/images heading mentioned in increasing order at the bottom of the figure.
  • Make sure all the table heading mentioned in increasing order at the top of the table.
  • Make sure all the figures/images are of adequate resolution and clarity.
  • Make sure all Figures, Schemes, Charts, and Tables mentioned in the manuscript main text are provided with the submission. Conversely, ensure that all graphic items are mentioned (in numerical order that is increasing order) in the text.

Math Style

  • Authors including math, display or in-text, in their manuscripts are encouraged to consult the Author Guidelines for Presenting Mathematical Information. This style sheet provides a brief discussion of formatting related to the presentation of mathematical formulas, complete with examples of AIP style and layout.


  • Ensure all references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text in increasing order.
  • Ensure all references mentioned in the Reference List are arranged in the AIP format.
  • Superscript numbers are used for in-text reference citations.