Performance Comparison of Latency for RSC-RSC and RS-RSC Concatenated Codes


  • Manish Kumar Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Giani Zail Singh PTU Campus, Bathinda, India
  • Jyoti Saxena Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Giani Zail Singh PTU Campus, Bathinda, India


SCCC, Turbo Codes, Reed-Solomon Code, RSC Codes, Viterbi Decoding, Latency


In practical communication systems, a low error probability and a high transmission rate are not the only important factors. Another very important parameter is the latency. In this paper, an attempt has been made to enhance the latency performance of serially concatenated convolutional codes. In particular, we compare RSC-RSC concatenated codes using non-iterative concatenated Viterbi decoding to RS-RSC concatenated codes using concatenation of Viterbi & Berklelamp-Massey decoding. Overall code rate i.e. transmission rate of concatenated code system is varied through puncturing & its effect on the latency of concatenated systems is simulated. On the basis of simulations, it is shown that RSC-RSC code is better than RS-RSC codes for in terms of latency. It is also shown that for concatenated codes a trade-off is needed to be considered between BER & latency in digital communications.



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How to Cite

M. Kumar and J. Saxena, “Performance Comparison of Latency for RSC-RSC and RS-RSC Concatenated Codes”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1–4, Jun. 2014.



Research Article