An Efficient Low-Profile Microstrip Antenna for Aqueous Glucose Measurement


  • Ashwini S Jagtap Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, DMCE, Airoli, India
  • S.D. Sawarkar Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, DMCE, Airoli, India


Diabetes, Aqueous Glucose, Microwave Resonator


Millions of people are suffering from Diabetes worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), number of diabetes patients is likely to rise to 101 million in India by 2030 and will become the world’s 7th largest killer. Hence we have to utilize technology to eradicate this disease. Measuring glucose level in a diabetic patient on a regular basis and administering insulin are the keys to keep patient safe and device which measures blood glucose level is called Glucometer. Presently glucose can be measured using two techniques, invasive and non-invasive, also known as in-vivo and in-vitro respectively. microwave resonator antenna is used in this project for non-invasive technique as a new approach towards blood glucose measurement. In this work, low profile microstrip antennas for glucometer application are proposed. As the dielectric constant of the material used as a substrate placed above antenna changes, resonant characteristic of antenna varies and shift in the frequency is observed. The proposed microstrip antenna resonators are designed using Advanced Design System 2011.05 for an operating frequency as low as 1 GHz. The operating frequency of antenna should be low as the low frequency microwave signal penetrate deep into tissues and have potential for practical application because of low physical area, low cost and better frequency resolution. Further, a high frequency resolution i.e. for a small change in glucose concentration leads to considerable shift in operating frequency, is achieved. The proposed Microstrip antennas are designed and tested with aqueous glucose substrate. This is advancement towards developing microstrip sensor for non-invasive glucometer application.



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How to Cite

A. S. Jagtap and S. Sawarkar, “An Efficient Low-Profile Microstrip Antenna for Aqueous Glucose Measurement”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 104–108, Jun. 2017.



Research Article