Transcoding of Voice Codecs G.711 to G.729 and Vice-versa Implementation on FPGA


  • C. Varun School of Engineering and IT, Manipal University, DIAC, Dubai
  • RS. Dudhe School of Engineering and IT, Manipal University, DIAC, Dubai


G.711, G.729, Transcoding, Voice CODEC


Now-a-days more applications and services provided over the internet such as e-mail, file sharing, e- commerce, etc., helps people from all over the globe to exchange data, do business, and communicate voice and videos in a simple way. For this tremendous growth in web is achieved with the development of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). This protocol is a new model of telephony service, in which people make use voice over the Internet to help communicate with each other without the access of Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS). VoIP provides high-quality services that greatly depend on the delay between capturing the voice data and the playback of the voice data. Transcoding voice calls between different networks and end-point gadget is a vital task. G.711and G.729 are VoIP codecs accessible in most of the events. A codec is chosen by the customer based on its quality, power requirements, bandwidth utilization, and tolerance to network conditions. Plentiful VoIP hardware, switches, and media gateways support variety of codecs, the issue emerges when there is a need to change over starting with one codec then onto the next. The call is initiated with G.711 and the end network tolerates with G729, and the service provider is confronted with the test of changing over to finish the call. For this transcoding is a preferred method, which is simulated using Quartus II tool and is implemented in Altera Cyclone V FPGA kit. Transcoding permits gadgets, similar to the IVR platform and the cell phone in the case, to communicate with each other even when they support different codecs.



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How to Cite

C. Varun and R. Dudhe, “Transcoding of Voice Codecs G.711 to G.729 and Vice-versa Implementation on FPGA”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 44–48, May 2017.



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