Key Management in Hierarchical Sensor Networks Using Improved Evolutionary Algorithm


  • G.R. Shahmohammadi Department of information Technology, University of olum Entezami, Amin, Iran
  • Kh. Mohammadi Department of Computer System, University of Ashtian Islamic Azad, Ashtian, Iran


Wireless sensor networks(WSN), Key management optimization algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms, Firefly Algorithm


Secure key exchange in wireless sensor networks is a topic always considered in terms of processing power and power consumption of sensor nodes in addition to security problems. Because of limited processing and energy in these nodes, energy consumption during this exchange process is one of the most important components examined in key exchange .In this paper, a hierarchical model of key distribution management is presented in which energy consumption is reduced in nodes, leading to increased network stability and longevity of nodes. In Wireless Sensor Network security field, each pre-distribution key approach demands appropriate management on keys, which is known as key management scheme. The main focus on the issue of key management is how to generate keys and control the power (energy) of nodes as well as lower the memory consumption. The proposed method is based on evolutionary algorithms. Firefly evolutionary algorithm has been used to find the public optimal solution as soon as possible, optimally solve the potential test functions as well as solving optimization problems in case of presence of noise in data. Thus, the first objective of this thesis is optimal production of safe keys in hierarchical sensor networks using a firefly algorithm. Evaluation criteria of the proposed algorithm include power (energy) control in nodes as well as lower memory consumption .The second objective of this study is to develop an improved firefly optimization algorithm in which improved synchronization rate and algorithm performance is sought via convergence of main and control parameters. Experimental results of the proposed method on different distributions of sensor nodes, header and sink prove the superiority of proposed method in comparison to the other key management schemes.



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How to Cite

G. Shahmohammadi and K. Mohammadi, “Key Management in Hierarchical Sensor Networks Using Improved Evolutionary Algorithm”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 5–14, Apr. 2016.



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