Proposed Jamming Removal Technique for Wireless Sensor Network


  • Amr M. Kishk Reactor Department/Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA)/Egypt
  • Nagy W. Messiha Electronics and Communication Engineering/Faculty of Electronic Engineering (FEE)/Egypt
  • Nawal A. El-Fishawy Computer Engineering/ Faculty of Electronic Engineering (FEE)/Egypt
  • Abdelrahman A. Alkafs Reactor Department/Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA)/Egypt
  • Ahmed H. Madian Reaction Engineering/ Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA)/Egypt


Disturber Types, Victim Nodes, Jamming Detection Techniques, Disturber Localization Methods, Defensive Techniques


This electronic docum Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is exposed to many threats to destroy data confidentiality during the transmission in the communication channel. The Jamming is one of these threats. To face this threat, we should discuss this problem from many directions. The discussion includes jamming types and its effects, jamming detection techniques, disturber localization methods, and defensive techniques. The reduction or removal of the effectiveness of jamming from the reconstructed data at the receiver enhances the performance of WSN. The techniques used to face this threat are discussed in this paper. The enhancements of these techniques are introduced in this paper which are extracted from their drawbacks. The weakness point of the disturber is the inability to jam the signal frequency which leads us to propose a defensive technique to remove the effectiveness of jamming completely from the reconstructed data at the receiver. The proposed defensive technique guides us to remove the attached redundancy of the coding techniques from the packets. And also, it reduces the transmission time of the transmitted message. So, the overall performance of WSN is improved due to jamming removal.



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How to Cite

A. M. Kishk, N. W. Messiha, N. A. El-Fishawy, A. A. Alkafs, and A. H. Madian, “Proposed Jamming Removal Technique for Wireless Sensor Network”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1–14, Apr. 2015.



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