Group Rekeying Management Scheme for Mobile Ad-hoc Network


  • Pradeep Sharma Department of Computer Science, Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore, India
  • Shivlal Mewada Department of Computer Science, Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore, India
  • Aruna Bilavariya Department of Computer Science, Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore, India


Key Management, Centralized approach, Cryptography, Private Key, Rekeying System, Group Management


Ensuring security in Mobile Ad-hoc Network is a challenging issue Many emerging applications in mobile ad hoc networks involve group-oriented communication. In Mobile ad hoc network a mobile node operates as not only end terminal but also as an intermediate router. Therefore, a multi-hop scenario occurs for communication in network. Where there may be one or more malicious nodes in between source and destination. Establishing MANET security is entirely different from the traditional methods of providing network security. As various applications of wireless ad hoc network have been proposed, security has become one of the big research challenges and is receiving increasing attention Securing communications in resource constrained, infrastructure-less environments such as MANETs is very challenging. All cryptographic techniques will be not effective if the key management is weak. The purpose of rekeying management is to provide secure procedures for handling cryptographic keying materials. The tasks of key management include key generation, key distribution, and key maintenance. In MANETs, A number of key management schemes have been proposed for MANETs. In this paper, we propose a Centralize approach based rekeying management scheme with group management.



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How to Cite

P. Sharma, S. Mewada, and A. Bilavariya, “Group Rekeying Management Scheme for Mobile Ad-hoc Network”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 5–12, Dec. 2013.



Research Article

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