Exploration of Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Data Security in Small and Medium Enterprises
Blockchain, Data Security, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Cyber Threats, Information ProtectionAbstract
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) constitute a significant portion of the global business landscape, yet they often face challenges in fortifying their data security infrastructure. This research paper investigates the integration of blockchain technology to enhance data security in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs, often constrained by limited resources, face significant challenges in securing sensitive information. The study assesses the current data security landscape in SMEs, identifying vulnerabilities and exploring the potential of blockchain as a robust solution. Emphasizing decentralization and tamper resistance, the paper highlights how blockchain can fortify data security, offering benefits such as improved integrity and transparent audit trails. Practical considerations, including integration challenges and user adoption, are addressed, providing actionable insights for SMEs seeking to fortify their data security through blockchain implementation. The research contributes to the evolving discourse on cybersecurity in SMEs, offering a foundation for practical applications in blockchain technology for enhanced data protection.
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