Architecture for Network-Intrusion Detection and Response in open Networks using Analyzer Mobile Agents


  • M. Shivakumar Dept. of IT, Sudharsan Engineering College, Anna university, India
  • R. Subalakshmi Information Technology, Kuppam Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Shanthakumari Department of IT, Kuppam Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • S.John Joseph Department of IT, Sudharsan Engineering College, Anna University, India


Component, Mobile Agents (MA), Intrusion Detection, Distributed Systems


This paper describes the implementation of distributed agent architecture for intrusion detection and response in networked computers. Unlike conventional intrusion detection systems (IDS), this security system attempts to emulate mechanisms of the natural immune system using Java-based agents. These security agents monitor multiple levels like packet, process, system, user etc. of networked computers to determine correlation among the observed anomalous patterns, reporting such abnormal behavior to the network administrator and possibly taking some action to counter a suspected security violation. Here the focus is on the design aspects of such an intrusion detection system by integrating different artificial intelligence techniques and a mobile agent architecture. Here anomaly based intrusion mechanism will be taken into consideration with the help of agents.



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How to Cite

M. Shivakumar, R. Subalakshmi, Shanthakumari, and S. Joseph, “Architecture for Network-Intrusion Detection and Response in open Networks using Analyzer Mobile Agents”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 1–7, Oct. 2013.



Research Article