A New Cryptography Algorithm with an Integrated Scheme to Improve Data Security


  • V. Kapoor Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV, Indore, India


Brute-force attack, Cryptography, Cryptographic algorithm, Encryption key, Information Security


Information is a valuable asset. As an asset information needs to be secured from cryptanalysis attacks. Security by encoding a message to make them non readable is the art and science of cryptography. Cryptographic algorithms are computationally rigorous function and guzzle a large amount of CPU time and space complication at the time of encryption. In this research paper we have proposed a reliable, an efficient and a more secure system by using our proposed algorithm for encryption and decryption. The Encryption key is long and consists of 128 bits. In cryptography, information should be confidential not only when it is stored in the computer, it should maintain its confidentiality when it is transmitted from one computer to another. For this purpose here we proposed an integrated cryptographic scheme. This scheme is based on a new cryptographic algorithm, message digest algorithm MD5 and RSA Algorithm. Proposed Encryption Algorithm is used to achieve confidentiality, whereas Message Digest Algorithm MD5 is used to verify the integrity of the message. RSA is adopted to encrypt the key of the encryption algorithm and to generate the digital signature. Four major security principles such as Authentication, Confidentiality, Integrity of Data and Non-Repudiation are achieved together using this scheme.



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How to Cite

V. Kapoor, “A New Cryptography Algorithm with an Integrated Scheme to Improve Data Security”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 39–46, Jun. 2014.



Research Article