Security in Internet of Things (IoT) Hashing Cryptographic Functions


  • Himanshu Kumar Shukla Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BNCET, Lucknow (UP), India
  • Satyam Dubey Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BNCET, Lucknow (UP), India


Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Quality of Services(QoS), RC-5


Internet of Things (IoT) begins new era of wireless interconnected devices, where every device have connectivity among each other. As looking towards today IP-Based communication structure all protocols plays a vital role in providing ubiquitous connectivity in all existing devices. All these devices are connected to each other in IoT and perform communication by using IP-based protocol. Throughout this communicating structure devices under network connection can be protected but for IoT connecting every device with Internet may take network under unsecure zone. These small issues created big problem to challenge security measures existing these days in IoT. To resolve these type of problems of security we analysed existing algorithms and hash cryptographic function and presented a modified Algorithms to do same operation but in less time as well as in less memory space. We also discussed present research for IoT’s security requirement and with also about future research path for IoT security and privacy.



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How to Cite

H. K. Shukla and S. Dubey, “Security in Internet of Things (IoT) Hashing Cryptographic Functions”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 7–11, Jun. 2019.



Research Article