Alive Persons in War Fields and Azardous Areas


  • Nitin Kumar D Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India
  • Nithis Kumar T Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India
  • Senthil Kumar S Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India
  • Sangavi C Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India
  • Nivethika G Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India


Microcontroller, PIR sensor, GSM, LCD, Power supply


The point of this paper is to build up an implanted human alive recognition framework in war fields by utilizing PIR sensor and GSM as remote innovation. There are numerous PIR sensors being used today however the sensor that is utilized will distinguish the Infrared beams that are produced from the human body. We realize that in war fields there are numerous circumstances that happen like a few people are severely injured, harmed by the shots, some of them can`t encourage themselves and a few people can be oblivious (implies they might be as yet alive) there will be no brisk medicinal support of save them and because of the postponement in the therapeutic administration individuals may lose their life at the point when the therapeutic administration is given on time then that individual can be saved from death. In war handle a safeguard individual can`t go to every individual to watch that the individual is alive or dead so in the place of save individual the PIR senor will do its work by distinguishing the individual who are alive by the infrared beams discharged by the human body at a specific range. At the point when an alive person is distinguished in the scope of that PIR sensor at that point it sends the flag to the microcontroller and the microcontroller sends the flag to the GSM (worldwide framework for portable correspondence) this GSM sends the message to the protect group the message will be sent as alive human distinguished. The code contains the enrolled portable number of the protect group. At that point the protect activity will be quick in identifying the people who are alive. The safeguard group can give spare numerous individuals life at a quicker rate through this implanted framework.



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How to Cite

N. K. D, N. K. T, S. K. S, S. C, and N. G, “Alive Persons in War Fields and Azardous Areas”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 25–27, Dec. 2018.



Research Article