Online Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino and LabVIEW


  • R. Zade Dept. of Electronics Science, School of Physical Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur, M.S., India
  • N. Khadgi Dept. of Electronics Science, School of Physical Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur, M.S., India
  • M. Kasbe Dept. of Electronics Science, School of Physical Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur, M.S., India
  • T. Mujawar Dept. of Electronics Science, School of Physical Sciences, Solapur University, Solapur, M.S., India


LabVIEW, VISA, Arduino, Ultrasonic Sensor, LCD


This paper presents an inventive system which will help to stay the cities clean. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins via a web page and alert the users through buzzer and LED’s. The ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04) used in the system to detect the garbage level which is positioned over the bins. It is then compared with the garbage bins depth. The hardware architecture of the system includes Arduino module, LCD, sensor and buzzer. The status of the level of garbage collected in the bins is displayed on LCD screen. The remote monitoring of the system is done through a web page developed by using VISA tool in LabVIEW. When the level of garbage collected crosses the set limit then buzzer indication starts their action. Hence this system helps to maintain the city clean by informing about the garbage levels of the bins.



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How to Cite

R. Zade, N. Khadgi, M. Kasbe, and T. Mujawar, “Online Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino and LabVIEW”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 5–9, Dec. 2018.



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