Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of Adaptive LMS algorithm for Noise Cancellation on Real-time Audio signals


  • Mulla Syed Musabbin Ahmed Department of Electronics and Communication, Vivesvaraya Technological University, INDIA
  • Shalini Department of Electronics and Communication, Vivesvaraya Technological University, INDIA


Adaptive LMS, Noise Cancellation, Spectrogram


The voice signal is first processed in MATLAB and the spectrogram is obtained for the same. Gaussian noise is deliberately added to the signal and the two text files 'with noise' and 'without noise' files are obtained. These two files are first modified to bring it in matrix form and used as the header files in design of adaptive LMS algorithm in embedded C on Xilinx Platform Studio and implemented on FPGA for processing and recovered text file is obtained. The recovered signal is plotted and played back on MATLAB and verified with the original signal and was found to be matching.



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How to Cite

M. S. M. Ahmed and Shalini, “Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of Adaptive LMS algorithm for Noise Cancellation on Real-time Audio signals”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 29–30, Jun. 2014.



Technical Article