The Quantum Key Distribution, Attenuation and Propagation over Ocean Surface for Various Naval Applications


  • Suresh Kumar P H Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
  • R. Rajesh Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Kolencherry, Kerala, India


Quantum cryptography, Communication network, Free-space optical communication


The quantum encryption is a method of key transfer in cryptography by using quantum entanglement of photons. The real power of quantum entanglement is instantaneous communication that is non-interceptable. The advantage of quantum encryption method is, it can be incorporated with conventional encryption methods safely. The quantum cryptography can replace conventional key exchange mechanism with the polarized photons using channels like optic fiber cables. Quantum cryptographic can also provide far and secure data communication. The present day experiments clearly proved that the quantum cryptography can be implemented through medium like optic fiber cable or air. But the distance of transmission through the air is limited by rule of line of sight propagation. The quantum key distribution will have uses in different types of communication between distant parts of earth. So this paper discussing how the visual horizon affect the quantum key distribution in naval applications.



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How to Cite

S. K. P H and R. Rajesh, “The Quantum Key Distribution, Attenuation and Propagation over Ocean Surface for Various Naval Applications”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 54–61, Apr. 2018.



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