Cross-site Scripting Attack Avoidance through Dynamic Coding Structure


  • Farheen Banu. J Dept. of MCA, Ethiraj College for Women (Madras University), Chennai, India
  • K. Vijayalakshmi Dept. of MCA, Ethiraj College for Women (Madras University), Chennai, India


nhanced XSS Fortifier, Script Extracto, Threat Level, Vulnerable Free


Due to the high prevalence of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, most leading browsers now comprise or support filters to defend against XSS attacks. This paper presents an enhanced XSS fortifier for the vulnerable web sites. Unlike other proposed methodology this paper contains a script extractor which on execution retains the malicious scripts injected in the various Web pages of a vulnerable web site. It also provides the threat level which indicates the seriousness of the web site affected. The results of the script extractor indicate the loopholes of the web page which after every session of attack is being manually overcome by the web developer to make the website vulnerable free.



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How to Cite

F. Banu. J and K. Vijayalakshmi, “Cross-site Scripting Attack Avoidance through Dynamic Coding Structure”, Int. J. Sci. Res. Net. Sec. Comm., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 15–19, Aug. 2017.



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