Volume-12 , Issue-3 , Jun 2024, ISSN 2321-3256 (Electronic Version)

  • Open Access   Article

    Diabetes Predictor: Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques

    A Hariprasad Reddy, G. Tejaswi, S. Akshay, E. Anisha

    Research Paper | Journal (IJSRNSC)

    Vol.12 , Issue.3 , pp.1-6, Jun-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    The Neural Frontier: AI`s Relentless Encroachment into the Human Mind


    Research Paper | Journal (IJSRNSC)

    Vol.12 , Issue.3 , pp.7-14, Jun-2024

  • Open Access   Article

    Protection of Research Data and Devices from Malware Attacks Using Endpoint Security System in Network

    Pratap Singh Solanki, Ajay Singh, Shaneel Sao, N.D. Atkekar

    Research Paper | Journal (IJSRNSC)

    Vol.12 , Issue.3 , pp.15-18, Jun-2024

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