ISSN 2321-3256 (Electronic Version)  
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Call For Reviewer
Invitation for Reviewers and Editorial Board Member

The editorial review board is a key part of IJSRNSC journal. Researchers and authors, holding a PhD, are invited to participate in the peer-review process of IJSRNSC papers if your research interest matches with the themes of Call for Papers.

Reviewers are generally expected to complete their review within a 2-3 weeks period. Please return manuscript by due date/deadline or recommend a competent alternate reviewer, if you are unable to review. Reviews should be constructive and provide feedback to the authors. The completed review form should be electronically returned to IJSRNSC Managing Editor. 

The review process is double-blind; that is, the reviewer does not know who the manuscript author(s) is and the author(s) does not know who has reviewed the manuscript. All reviewers are acknowledged on IJSRNSC website, after the publication.

If you would like to become an IJSRNSC reviewer, you should send the following information to the Managing Editors: or You will receive an email shortly which lets you know whether you have been selected as IJSRNSC reviewer or not.

  • Title (Dr./Prof.):
  • Profession/Designation:
  • University/Institution or Company:
  • Country:
  • Working e-mail:
  • Telephone Number:
  • Web/Website page:
  • Domain of Research:
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  • A Brief CV (Curriculum Vitae with Photo’s)
Computer Science, IT, Engineering and Computational Sciences researchers have a professional obligation to referee the work of others. This article tells you how to evaluate a paper and write a report using common standards and procedures.

Guidelines for Reviewers
  • Here are some recommendations for writing reviews that help the authors and improve the quality of the journal manuscripts. 
  • Your job as a reviewer is to write detailed reviews, even for excellent papers. Tell the authors why you liked their paper, so that the authors know what made them so successful.  
  • Even if your opinion is that the paper is poorly written or poorly thought-out, you can still provide constructive criticisms to help the authors, and in the long run, the Journal reputation. Give the authors advice on how to improve the quality of their research paper.
  • The focus of your review should be on content.  
  • Please point out typographic and grammatical errors, unless there are too many of them. 
  • Although IJSRNSC requires all submitted papers to be polished work, all accepted authors get a brief opportunity to improve the presentation of their paper before camera-ready copy is due. Your detailed feedback may help improve a paper, and improve the quality of the journal. 
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 Journal Statistics
Citations 070
h-index 004
i10-index 001
IF Valune 2.422
Call for Reviewer
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