While MANETs exhibit unique advantages, but at the same time special characteristics of MANETs such as bandwidth constrained variable capacity links, infrastructure-less, multi-hoprouting, network scalability, dynamic network topology impose many challenges to TCP protocol which aims at providing coordination to the shared access medium among a number of mobile nodes. This paper presents an overview of the TCP protocols over routing protocol. The main target of our paper is to measure the performance of TCP protocols over different routing protocol in MANET. Further performance of TCP protocols is analyzed and compared for varying network size to find out which protocol is more suitable. We have done the simulation of our work with the help of Network simulator (NS-2). Node density, mean node-to-node delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio are employed for performance evaluation and these are computed only in case of varying network size.
Key-Words / Index Term
TCP, Routing Protocols, Network Simulator
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Anurag Singh, Rajnesh Singh, Sunil Gupta, "Evaluating the Performance of TCP over Routing Protocols in MANETs Using NS2," International Journal of Scientific Research in Network Security and Communication, Vol.6, Issue.4, pp.1-4, 2018