[1] Amit Banda, Rajesh A Patil, “Review on Feature Detection and Matching Algorithms for 3D Object Reconstruction”, IJRTER, Vol. 3, Jan 2017, pp. 219-225
[2] Seitz, Steven M., "A comparison and evaluation of multi-view stereo reconstruction algorithms" 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR06), USA, pp. 519-528 ,2006
[3] Soo Mi Choi, "Volumetric object reconstruction using the 3D-MRF model-based segmentation”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.16, Issue.6, pp.887-892, 1997.
[4] K. Kutulakos, S. Seitz., “A theory of shape by space carving”, IJCV, Vol.38, Issue.3, Issue.3, pp.199-218, 2000
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[7] A. Manessis, A. Hilton, P. Palmer, P. McLauchlan, X. Shen, “Reconstruction of scene models from sparse 3D structure”, In CVPR, vol.1, Issue.3, pp.666-673, 2000.
[8] D. Morris, T. Kanade , “Image-consistent surface triangulation”, In CVPR, Vol.1, Issue.3, pp.332-338, 2000.
[9] C. J. Taylor, “Surface reconstruction from feature based stereo”, In ICCV, USA, pp. 184-190, 2003.
[10] Marius Muja, David G. Lowe, “Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration”, VISAPP, Vol.1, Issue.2, pp.331-340, 2009.
[11] DL Baggio, “Mastering OpenCV with practical computer vision projects”, Packt Publishing Ltd, UK, pp.1-134, 2012.
[12] RI. Hartley, “Triangulation", Computer vision and image understanding, Vol.68, Issue.2, pp.146-157, 1997.
[13] R. Hartley, Andrew Zisserman, “Multiple view geometry in computer vision”, Cambridge university press, UK, pp.34-57, 2003.
[14] E. Hildreth, "Recovering three-dimensional structure from motion with surface reconstruction", Vision research, Vol.35, Issue.1, pp.117-137, 1995.
[15] JL. Barron, “Performance of optical flow techniques", International journal of computer vision, Vol.12, Issue.1, pp.43-77, 1994.
[16] Berthold KP, Brian G. Schunck, "Determining optical flow", Artificial intelligence, Vol.17, Issue.1-3, pp.185-203, 1981.
[17] Kapila Sharma, "An Effective Approach of Thinning for Morphological Features An Effective Approach of Thinning for Morphological Features", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.3, Issue.10, pp.58-60, 2015.
[18] Zach Christopher, "Robust bundle adjustment revisited", European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer International Publishing, Europe, pp.12-19, 2014.
[19] Lindeberg Tony, "Scale invariant feature transform", Scholarpedia, Vol.7, Issue.5, pp.10491-10498, 2012.
[20] K. Mikolajczyk, C. Schmid, “A performance evaluation of local descriptors”, IEEE T-PAMI, Vol.27, Issue.10,pp.12-16, 2005
[21] Miksik Ondrej, Krystian Mikolajczyk, "Evaluation of local detectors and descriptors for fast feature matching", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Japan, pp.11-15, 2012.
[22] Wang Zhenhua, Bin Fan, Fuchao Wu, "Local intensity order pattern for feature description", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Spain, pp.603-610, 2011.
[1] Amit Banda, Rajesh A Patil, “Review on Feature Detection and Matching Algorithms for 3D Object Reconstruction”, IJRTER, Vol. 3, Jan 2017, pp. 219-225
[2] Seitz, Steven M., "A comparison and evaluation of multi-view stereo reconstruction algorithms" 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR06), USA, pp. 519-528 ,2006
[3] Soo Mi Choi, "Volumetric object reconstruction using the 3D-MRF model-based segmentation”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.16, Issue.6, pp.887-892, 1997.
[4] K. Kutulakos, S. Seitz., “A theory of shape by space carving”, IJCV, Vol.38, Issue.3, Issue.3, pp.199-218, 2000
[5] R. Szeliski, “A multi-view approach to motion and stereo”, In CVPR, Vol.1, Issue.4, pp.157-163, 1999.
[6] O. Faugeras, E. Bras-Mehlman, J.-D. Boissonnat, “Representingstereo data with the Delaunay triangulation”, Artificial Intelligence, Vol.44, Issue.1-2, pp.41-87, 1990.
[7] A. Manessis, A. Hilton, P. Palmer, P. McLauchlan, X. Shen, “Reconstruction of scene models from sparse 3D structure”, In CVPR, vol.1, Issue.3, pp.666-673, 2000.
[8] D. Morris, T. Kanade , “Image-consistent surface triangulation”, In CVPR, Vol.1, Issue.3, pp.332-338, 2000.
[9] C. J. Taylor, “Surface reconstruction from feature based stereo”, In ICCV, USA, pp. 184-190, 2003.
[10] Marius Muja, David G. Lowe, “Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration”, VISAPP, Vol.1, Issue.2, pp.331-340, 2009.
[11] DL Baggio, “Mastering OpenCV with practical computer vision projects”, Packt Publishing Ltd, UK, pp.1-134, 2012.
[12] RI. Hartley, “Triangulation", Computer vision and image understanding, Vol.68, Issue.2, pp.146-157, 1997.
[13] R. Hartley, Andrew Zisserman, “Multiple view geometry in computer vision”, Cambridge university press, UK, pp.34-57, 2003.
[14] E. Hildreth, "Recovering three-dimensional structure from motion with surface reconstruction", Vision research, Vol.35, Issue.1, pp.117-137, 1995.
[15] JL. Barron, “Performance of optical flow techniques", International journal of computer vision, Vol.12, Issue.1, pp.43-77, 1994.
[16] Berthold KP, Brian G. Schunck, "Determining optical flow", Artificial intelligence, Vol.17, Issue.1-3, pp.185-203, 1981.
[17] Kapila Sharma, "An Effective Approach of Thinning for Morphological Features An Effective Approach of Thinning for Morphological Features", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.3, Issue.10, pp.58-60, 2015.
[18] Zach Christopher, "Robust bundle adjustment revisited", European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer International Publishing, Europe, pp.12-19, 2014.
[19] Lindeberg Tony, "Scale invariant feature transform", Scholarpedia, Vol.7, Issue.5, pp.10491-10498, 2012.
[20] K. Mikolajczyk, C. Schmid, “A performance evaluation of local descriptors”, IEEE T-PAMI, Vol.27, Issue.10,pp.12-16, 2005
[21] Miksik Ondrej, Krystian Mikolajczyk, "Evaluation of local detectors and descriptors for fast feature matching", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Japan, pp.11-15, 2012.
[22] Wang Zhenhua, Bin Fan, Fuchao Wu, "Local intensity order pattern for feature description", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Spain, pp.603-610, 2011.